A, B, C, or TT….. which RV is right for me?
Do you have the desire to travel and lodge in the beauty of the vast outdoors? Do you like the idea of having your own amenities with you on your journey? These are the two main reasons many feel the desire to own a recreational vehicle, but which one is the right choice? How does one decide? Here are some suggestions of a few things to consider to aid in the decision process.
Are you new to this experience? If so, first and foremost, know thyself and your needs, then balance them with your desires and your budget. Making the wrong choice can ruin the experience, and be co$tly. Perhaps the place to start is to rent a rig to dip your toe in to the waters to see if it is right for you.
If you think this will be a cheaper travel option…it may not always be! Campgrounds vary widely in cost, but more importantly, availability can often be a challenge. It is not uncommon to have to make reservations at desirable and popular places 11 or 12 months in advance. This is just the start of things to consider.
Are you comfortable towing? Do you mind spending time setting up “camp”? How many people do you need room for? This will help you decide on the size and type of rig. Each has advantages and disadvantages, figure out what is right for YOU!
Are you a “camper” at heart? That is, do you love being outside all the time, camped in one place to enjoy nature- for a weekend, or a week’s vacation. If you have done this and are tired of using a tent, a logical choice may be the very budget friendly pop-up trailer. But if more space is needed, or you prefer a bathroom/ better kitchen area, or you intend to stay longer periods of time, then a travel trailer (TT) may be a better choice. Models vary widely in price and features. Spend time checking out what you are considering and mentally put it through its paces. (For example: how much set-up and break down time will be involved, tow weight, tow vehicle needed, cargo weight, sitting space, inside and outside storage space, over-all layout, place to store the unit when not in use?) These answers may help you decide between a pop-up and a TT (including the very large 5th wheel models) assuming you are prepared to tow and do not mind the work involved to level it and set up.
Do you intend to travel from place to place on your journey? Do you intend to spend several weeks a year doing so? These are the typical reasons people advance to a larger 5th wheel model (still towed), a Class A or Class C motorhome. These units generally have better “living” features such as showers, kitchen, pantry and larger living space. The ease of set-up and breakdown can be quite minimal with the auto-leveling and slide out features. This makes moving from place to place, or weekend escapes considerably easier. But they co$t more, have another engine to maintain and can be more cumbersome to store. Also, many folks tow a car behind for side excursions, and while this adds to the initial expense it may pay off in the long run while affording greater flexibility once camped.
Motorhomes can be convenient and comfortable means to tour. Class C rigs are generally smaller than Class A motorhomes and may have slightly better driving safety features for passengers in that they are built on a truck (car) frame and have airbags. However, they drive and sound like a truck, too. Additionally, they have less leg room in the driving and passenger compartments. Because they are smaller, they can fit onto a wider range of campsites for which a Class A may be restricted. The Class A models vary in length and are generally more spacious than Class C rigs. They are quieter on the road and are generally considered to handle better on the road. For some Class A models, the unit must be opened to get to certain storage spaces or the bathroom, which is not usually the case for a Class C.
If these seem too large for you, a Class B may be a better choice. These are more like a van, with a few conveniences. They drive like a van, and can get in to smaller spaces. However, you are always having to set up / break down every time you want to go somewhere and storage space is quite limited. If you get claustrophobic, then think twice!
It is impossible to say that one rig is truly better than another, only that one rig will likely fit YOUR needs better than another, and your needs may change with time! I hope I have provided a few things to keep in mind when choosing. Regardless of your choice, it is also important to understand that the quality of most units is less than stellar. Yes, even brand new units! There are inevitable problems that occur when your “house” bounces its way on the road. Expect that you will have to fix things yourself, or go through (probable aggravation of) a dealer. I encourage you to read consumer reviews of whatever it is you plan to purchase!
Water conservation…. reduce, reuse….
Water, water everywhere…or is it? Whether you boondock or just prefer to stay in state parks that have no water or waste hook-ups, water management is a key consideration. There is only a finite amount of water in your tank, and it has only the limited grey tank space (until your reach a dumping station). So, how can you make do with less and save the hauling time of fresh or waste water (assuming that is even an option)? Here are a few tips to get you started. They are certainly not the only options, but they may help to get you started!
One major use of water is showering. However, I found that this can be done with considerably less water than I traditionally use at home by changing up my normal routine. First, we have a shower saver switch installed on the shower head which allows the flow to be “shut off” to a drip. We also purchased one designed to maximize water pressure / flow. Once in the shower, I point the nozzle at the floor and turn on the water and use it to wet any parts that can tolerate the colder water while awaiting the desired temp. I then quickly wet head and body and turn off via the saver switch. Now comes the different part from home- start with the least soapy product (for me, ivory soap). Wet the bar with the dripping water and lather. I then move on to my face scrub, followed by shampoo (being conservative, but not skimpy with the amount). I add a few drops of water, if necessary. ONLY NOW it is time to rinse! Flip the saver switch and rinse from head down. Using the hose allows for quickly directing water rather than trying to turn your body around in the tiny enclosure they call an RV shower.
The other major use of water is dishes. I minimize the amount of water by wiping away heavy soil with napkins, or paper towels (don’t throw out lightly soiled ones throughout the day!) I use a double sink set up- one filled with hot water for rinsing, the other sink has the drain closed. I begin washing the least soiled items and ones that need “extra rinse”- like drinking glasses. Wash using a soaped sponge, and rinse first with a bit of fresh water, allowing it to go into the “wash sink” side for remaining dishes. Continue washing least dirty to most dirty, using the same rinse water. You might need to add a bit more rinse water as you go, but that is the general gist.
I am surprised at how little water we are able to use, when we make this effort! We have a 30 gallon fresh water tank and 45 gallon grey waste tank in our rig. For the most part, the two of us have been able to each take 3 showers and wash 3 day’s worth of dishes without adding fresh water. However, if we are “home” and using the toilet (vs. out on excursions for the days) we do need to add another 15ish gallons. I will also stipulate that we both have short hair, which helps in the shower.
Once we actually tracked this, I felt like I had to do better while in our house! We are constantly being told that there is a “water ban” in the summer…so we did install a saver-switch in the shower which I use most of the time.
They say “every drop counts”…or at least has to be accounted for in RV life! Hope you gathered some helpful tips.
RV 101….
- Deciding on a camper vehicle #section-ABC
- Water conservation #section-reduce
Note: Check back for other RV topics
“Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain